Fruits of the toolbox fallacy
How I moved this site to use Google Docs as a CMS
I happened to see stuff around the web about the so-called “toolbox fallacy.” The idea is that people avoid doing something they need to do by convincing themselves that they don’t have the right tools to do it. I don’t have the right equipment, so I can’t exercise. I don’t like the pen I have, so I can’t write. And so on. Even though I’m not sure whether real logicians or philosophers talk about this fallacy, it seems to be a semi-popular topic on self-help websites and YouTube channels.
But falling for the toolbox fallacy can yield interesting results. In particular, you might end up with a shiny set of new tools, as I found out for myself recently. I hadn’t added any writing to this site for a while, and clearly the problem was that the site wasn’t properly set up for me to write well and easily. So of course my next step was to rework the site.
The Goal
The site was previously quite simple. Everything was pretty close to hand-written HTML, hosted on Github Pages.
I was particularly annoyed by the fact that every time I wanted to write a longer piece to put in the “Thoughts” section
Every time I had to do this, I kept thinking it would be just great if I could somehow write in Google Docs and then magically have the contents of the doc show up, nicely formatted, on my website. Essentially, I wanted to use Google docs as my CMS. This is of course not a new concept. There are plenty of examples out there of Google Docs being jerry-rigged into a website CMS.
Step one to doing this was moving the site to some more standardized framework, rather than just having raw HTML assembled with a templating tool. I didn’t really have a great idea or strong opinions on what framework to use, and there were a bunch of reasonable options out there. My one requirement was that I strongly preferred not to be in the business of running my own server, either locally or in the cloud,
Setting up Svelte and moving my existing site to it was quite straightforward. Given that I was using a templating setup before, I already had some rough outlines of what things could be components and then how to use those components with the data for the site. Svelte allows projects to be compiled with a static compiler, and Github also allows Github Pages to be deployed based on Github Actions, so Github can automagically compile the site and deploy it to Github pages every time a commit is pushed to the backing repo:
Pulling from Google Docs
Then came the interesting part: using Google Docs as a CMS. Actually, wiring my Svelte project up to Google Docs so that it could pull content when the site was compiled worked pretty easily. There are various Node packages out there that nicely wrap the process of calling Google’s Node packages to get the content for a given Google Doc. I just had to make the docs I wanted to pull from for the site publicly viewable and provide the doc ID to the library I was using to pull the docs.
I did however pick a package that did a little more than just returning the contents of the doc. It occurred to me that I might want more than just plain text from my Google Docs content. It might be nice to have structured content for things like titles or metadata. Someday I might even want to add an interactive that consumes structured data. To allow all this, I decided to parse the contents of Google Docs I used as ArchieML, which is a structured text format that allows structure to be added simply while still being easy to write. I used the doc-to-archieml Node package to easily get the contents of docs and parse them into JSON from ArchieML. The JSON contents could then be processed for display on the page.
I also wanted to easily specify formatting in my Google Docs. The obvious solution here is of course to write Markdown, which is designed to allow text formatting from plain text, within the structured pieces of my ArchieML docs. I saw that the MDsveX package allowed Markdown to be mixed into Svelte components, which seemed great. However, I eventually realized that MDsveX Svelte components don’t seem to be able to load Markdown dynamically, rather the Markdown has to be specified directly in the component definition. This obviously doesn’t work if I want to pull my Markdown from a Google doc.
Eventually I decided to use the MDsveX’s Markdown compiler as a library and then provide the result as raw HTML to my (standard) Svelte components. This was a little janky,
To handle this issue, I added Remark and Rehype plugins to the compiler. These let me define my own custom markup handling for elements that required custom handling beyond the standard Markdown compiler. The remark-directive plugin even allowed me to use my own custom Markdown syntax for elements that just aren’t available in standard Markdown. For example, I was able to add syntax for the “newthought” element available in Tufte CSS:
function tufteRemarkDirective() {
return (tree, file) => {
visit(tree, (node) => {
if (
node.type === 'textDirective' ||
node.type === 'leafDirective' ||
node.type === 'containerDirective'
) {
const data = || ( = {})
const attributes = node.attributes || {}
const id =
if ( === 'newthought') {
data.hName = 'span'
data.hProperties = {
class: 'newthought',
else return;
At this point, I pretty much had a working Google Docs-as-CMS setup running locally that did the things I wanted it to do. But I didn’t want this to run locally, I wanted to push the Svelte code to Github and then have Github compile and deploy the site to Github Pages. Github makes this fairly easy in the basic case, but things get a little trickier when you want the site compilation process to fetch data from Google Docs. I had to include Google credentials in the repository without making them available to everyone. Luckily Github has a Secrets feature which allows this, even if it is a little more complicated than it should be. I then added an action to my deploy configuration to copy the secrets into an env file during deployment.
Of course, the deployment process didn’t work the first time I tried it, and debugging from Github deployment logs can be cryptic and tedious. Again, however, the ecosystem of Github Actions comes to the rescue. As it turns out there is a fantastic Github Action that will let you run a tmate session in the environment that is running your deployment and connect to the session remotely. This allows full inspection of the deployment outputs, which greatly simplifies the debugging process.
I now finally had a fully deployed site, with a complete setup that looked something like this:
Remaining issues
And so that was it, everything was working! Well, almost…there are still a few minor issues hanging"off"
attribute to the image link elements, but that didn’t seem to fix the issue.
The other still-lingering weird issue is with formatted code blocks. For some reason, spaces at the start of lines in code blocks don’t seem to show up. The way I’ve gotten around this is by adding zero-width characters at the start of lines in code blocks, so they don’t technically start with spaces. As a result the issue doesn’t end up being something that is visible on pages, but it’s still annoying to deal with.
There is, as always, more work to do. Of course, the code needs tests. Given that it’s just me working on this and the codebase is pretty small (at least for now), I don’t feel too bad about putting those off, but code without tests generally leaves me feeling nervous. Additionally, it would probably be good to move the js portions of the code to Typescript, which is something else I didn’t feel like dealing with right now.
Farther in the future, I have thought about the fact that the current setup doesn’t provide great content versioning. Changes to the docs show up on the site when the Github Action deploying to Github Pages is run and are not tied to repo commits. This is a rather tricky problem to solve, though, as while it might be possible to have the deploy Action commit doc changes to the repo, the repo commits with doc updates could easily get out of sync from the doc state. But I currently have no need for precise versioning of my content tied to versioning of the site, so this isn’t something I’m too concerned about for now.
And of course, after doing all this, it would be good to write some more for the Thoughts section of this website. The toolbox is complete, right? At the moment however, I can’t really think of anything great to write, so I wrote this instead.